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FM Youth Camp - Mission Impossible A (rtifical) I vs S (piritual) I

Artificial Intelligence can read, write, see, speak, hear, taste, and feel. They say AI can understand emotions and even read your mind. With all that AI can do, it’s no match for what God has gifted us. He calls it Spiritual Intelligence! Not human or man-made thought or ability, but Spiritual Intelligence, wisdom from God (1 Cor 2:13-15). Join us June 10-14, 2024 at Peaceful Valley Ranch (near Allenspark) in the mountains of Colorado for Faith Ministries 26th year of Youth Camp. Our team will continue the vision of training and developing young people to walk in Spiritual Intelligence!

Jun. 10-14, 2024

475 Peaceful Valley Rd Lyons, CO 80540

Meet the Speakers

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Info and Details

June 10-14, 2024

Registration starts @ 10 AM on Monday

Peaceful Valley Ranch
475 Peaceful Valley Rd Lyons, CO 80540

12-18 (Sometimes 11 year olds have come to camp. It is up to parent, guardian or youth group leader to determine if they are mature enough to come)

$450 per person
$100 deposit required to register, then $350 due at camp registration (time and location above)

All meals are included in registration price! 12 meals.
Monday: Lunch and Dinner
Tues-Thurs: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Friday: Breakfast, (Lunch down in town - optional. Location TBA)


We play team games, have different workshops, worship and teaching throughout the entire week! It is the most life changing week of your life. We like to say, "Camp is better than Christmas!"



Total Cost – $450.00 (Meals begin with Monday Lunch to Friday Breakfast). Deposit of $100.00 must be submitted with 2forms: Registration and Health for reservation to be accepted. Balance of $350 is due upon arrival at camp. No cancellations after May 20 but substitutions are allowed. Make checks payable to: Faith Ministries. Camp begins June 10 at 10:00 a.m. with registration and ends Friday before lunch and packing (around 12:00 p.m.) on June 14.


Reservations will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. In order for an attendee to reserve a spot, the following must be completed in full and received by FM Registrar: Registration, Health Form and Registration Fee. Please mail to: FM, Attn: Camp Registration, POBOX 609, Littleton, CO 80160-0609. Camp is at beautiful Peaceful Valley Ranch, 475 Peaceful Valley Rd. Lyons, CO 80540.


Faith Ministries (FM) strives for the highest physical, mental, and spiritual standards possible. No smoking, vaping, matches or lighters, fireworks, use of tobacco, alcohol, abusive language, drugs (except prescribed medicine which is to be supervised by your child(s) youth leader), or any other such items or behavior of questionable nature are allowed. We want young people to hear from God during camp, therefore we request: WHILE AT CAMP, ATTENDEES CANNOT OPERATE iPads, switches, video games, earbuds or CELLPHONES. We are happy to help parents with children who have difficulties in specific areas of their life and we appreciate parents’ communication with us concerning these needs. However, we protect our attendees from influences that we feel to be detrimental, degrading and destructive or not in keeping with Christian standards. We reserve the right to send home, at camper’s expense, any attendee who violates these standards.


Prior to May 20, all of the registration fee will be refunded. Immediately after May 20, registration fee is non-refundable but substitutions are allowed. Balance due must be received upon arrival at Camp.


During camp registration (June 10), attendees will sign up for Tuesday and Thursday workshops.


Rooms are equipped with stacked bunk beds. There could be up to 6 people in a room. Please make your young person aware of this situation. Campers are paired and then assigned to rooms. If your child desires to room with a specific person (cannot be a group), please advise your youth leader who should then advise us.


Bible, pen, notepad and an open heart. Toiletry items – soap, shampoo, towels, washcloth, sunscreen, toothpaste, toothbrush and other hygiene gear. IT GETS COLD AT NIGHT. Clothes – Shorts are fine during the day, raincoat, warm clothes could be needed at night and sometimes during the day (warm jacket would be wise). Please note, we would like to avoid dress attire distractions as well. T-shirts, shorts, pants, dresses and other articles of clothing must cover midsections and be worn at a respectable length. Campers wearing t-shirts or tank tops with low necklines will be asked to change.

Additional Forms To Download and Fill Out

Please fill out and email them to us at fmdenverchurch@gmail.com or mail them to: PO BOX 609, Littleton, CO 80160-0609